Monday, June 30, 2008

New addition to the family


Or, new addition to the fambly, as Pa from the Grapes of Wrath would say.



Donny Frey said...

That's one sweet ride! Where did you find it?

For my clarification, when referring to Pa in the Grapes of Wrath are you talking about the Steinbeck or the VeggieTales version of the story?

ds said...

Thanks. I bought it from a friend who is moving away.

I had the Steinbeck version in mind, but that doesn't mean I'm not down with the Veggie Tales.

Rick said...

nice ride....

Anonymous said...

the provenance of this bike is thus: originally owned by father of a friend of a friend, then ridden by said friend of friend for whom it was too large. friend swapped an old, smaller, peugeot for it, then sold it to a friend who then sold it to ds. neat!

thump said...

Nice bike. I hope your rides end better than Pa Joad's journey.