Wednesday, March 12, 2008


This article discusses the recent deaths of two bike racers who were killed in California while training when they were run over by a sheriff deputy who fell asleep at the wheel. It also talks about other recent and not so recent bike tragedies from that same area, as well as a close encounter the author (also a cyclist) had with a driver who nearly took him out after "not seeing him" in his multicolored cycling outfit.

On its surface, it's just another well-written tribute to cyclists killed on the road through no fault of their own. It also implores motorists to share the road and use caution around cyclists, who actually have a right to be there.

The thing that makes the article different is that it appears on (the website for Sports Illustrated), which probably has a readership of a gazillion more people than the combined readership of,,, and every other bike related website where an article like this would be an exercise in preaching to the choir.

I'm sure this article will receive far fewer hits than ones addressing much more important issues like the NCAA basketball tournament rankings and what Kobe Bryant eats for breakfast. But I still give credit to Austin Murphy for writing it and SI for publishing it. Even if it only alters one person's opinion or approach to driving around cyclists, it was worth it.

It's a tragic shame Matt Peterson and Kristianna Gough will never be able to read it.


Gary Burkholder said...

DS- Thanks for posting this. The article is indeed great, and I've written the following to the author, Austin Murphy, to thank him for it:

Thank you so much for this article memorializing not only the pair of cyclists but also other area riders who have had tragic encounters on the road. As a cyclist and a motorist I realize more and more that we must all do our part to be safe and responsible while on public roadways both while driving and while riding. It's articles like yours that will hopefully get people to wake up and prevent future tragedy.

Gary Burkholder

Rick said... thing I saw driving home tonight from Peninsula (wishing that I was on my bike) I passed a biker going up Snowville road and thought that he should have had lights/more reflective clothing, etc on. Make sure you can be seen when riding; much cold weather gear is dark/black......
Thanks for the read, David.

JimmyNick said...

He eats Kobe beef, of course.