Saturday, March 27, 2010

Malabar Farm Road Race, Pro-1-2 field, 3-27-10

The early break...

Was reeled in after about 10 miles (1 lap) of being out front.

Then this break formed, which stayed away for good:

Although the break gained a member and lost a member close to the finish...

He still easily rolled in for fouth:

Back in the field, these guys tried their hand with about a lap to go...

But were brought back by the field at the base of the final hill to the finish:

Any questions?

In the meantime, the cows were hanging out with a horse.

And Sparrow the border collie watched most of the race with great interest.

A good day.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Meet May.

She is our "horse buddy" at the therapeutic horse riding center where we volunteer.

Our job is to groom her regularly, look out for her, and treat her like the princess she is.

I don't think that will be too hard.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Bowerbirds w/Horse Feathers, 3-11-10

At The 'Sco, Oberlin College, Oberlin Ohio.


Horse Feathers:

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My life is glamorous

Today I did this with some horses.

No joke.

Friday, March 05, 2010


We finally broke down and made a video for one of our songs.

Now we will surely catch on with the masses.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Nostalgia is fun

When I was in college and early law school, I was in a band called Simoom. We made music that I'm still pretty proud of, despite the fact that our fans could probably be counted on two hands.

Ten years later, we are now referred to as "90's heroes" and "Touch and Go-ish," a reference to the insanely wonderful Touch and Go label.

In another ten years, maybe we'll be held in even higher esteem. Or not.

Then again, who cares. We got to play with bands like The Frogs, Firewater, Poster Children, and Duvalby Brothers. And we got to play shows like the one in the condemned building in Kent in the dead of winter with a 60 year old space heater as the only heat source.

Beat that.